Main Objectives:
The fundamental objective of the MA. DPP is to build capacity for analytical understanding of development policies and their potential impact on poverty reduction for sustainable development. The Programme enhances national and sectoral capacities in policy formulation, analytical knowledge, and research skills that would effectively lead to improved development policy formulation, management, monitoring and evaluation. It aims at enabling students to identify and analyse development problems of developing countries; formulate development policies tuned to the dictates of development challenges facing developing countries; initiate policy interventions to address development problems; analyze, review and reformulate the existing policies in line with current development challenges; and to initiate participatory planning, formulation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of development policies in the central government ministries, independent departments, local government authorities, NGOs and private Sectors and international organizations.
Specific Objectives:
Mzumbe University’s mission is to be a centre of academic excellence in management science for knowledge acquisition and adaptation through training, research, consultancy, public service and outreach activities in Africa and beyond by year 2025. The MA. DPP Programme contributes to the attainment of the vision through its objectives of producing graduates who are well trained and skilled to address development policy challenges and their potential impact on poverty reduction for sustainable development. The goals and objectives of the The MA. DPP Programme are well communicated to stakeholders. Stakeholders get information of the Programme largely through the annually produced university Prospectus, the university website and the The MA. DPP brochure produced by the MU IDS that is distributed to potential clients. MU’s Strategic Plan also provides information about the course. Another important channel of communication that makes clients aware of the goals and objectives of the course is the alumni of the course who have knowledge of the course.
Programme Duration
Students will be enrolled to a full time programme whose duration is eighteen (18) months as per Mzumbe University Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Programmes, 2009 (Section 3.3.8). During the first academic year, lasting two semesters of 18 weeks each student undergo intensive coursework involving the teaching of five 4-credit point courses in each semester. During the third semester each student is supposed to carry out an independent research on an approved development oriented topic of his/her choice after which he/she will submit a dissertation to be examined as per MU examination regulations.
Programme Structure
The Programme Structure for MSc DP is as shown below
SEMESTER 1 (October-February) |
SEMESTER 2 (March - July) |
DST 610 Governance and Development |
DST 700 Development Policy Formulation and Analysis II |
DST 620 Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation |
DST 730 Development Policy and Poverty Reduction |
DST 630 Development Policy Formulation and Analysis I |
DST 740 Gender and Development Policy |
DST 640 Development Theory and Practice |
DST 780 Public and Private Sector Relationships |
DST 680 Social Science Research in Development Studies |
DST 600: International Relations
DST 720: Environmental Development
DST 650: Participatory Development Planning
Course Evaluation
In order to be awarded the MSc. Degree (Policy Development), students must pass in their coursework consisting of term papers, written assignments and tests; university examination at the end of each semester and thesis with oral component where the candidate must score at least 50% in the dissertation for both written and oral examinations. At the end of the Programme successful candidates will be awarded a Master of Science Degree in Development Policy of Mzumbe University