The Department of Development Policy (DP) was established under the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in line with the Mzumbe University Charter of 2007 made under section 25 of Universities Act No. 7 of 2005. This Act repealed Mzumbe University Act No. 21 of 2001. The mandate of Mzumbe University as stipulated in the Charter focuses on training, research, publications and public services cum consultancies. As a university organ the Department of Development Policy (DP) is charged with training, conducting research, consultancy and outreach activities on crosscutting development issues related to Policy Development. Policy Development is a major issue in the country in order to ensure proper deployment of its resources.
The department of Development Policy is recognized as a leading institution in Tanzania and Africa for demand driven knowledge generation, application, preservation and dissemination for socio-economic development of the societies by 2025.
The mission of the Department of Development Policy is to promote knowledge on development policy issues in Tanzania and Africa through sound research, teaching, consultancy, outreach activities and publication by advocating creativity, innovativeness, professionalism and team spirit
The Department of Development Policy contributes to training researchers within its competence areas through training and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students are involved in course work, doing research and writing dissertations. In so doing, the department is contributing to the achievement of Mzumbe University strategic objectives as well as to the achievement of the vision of the Institute. The department has also the role of building the capacity to communities and institutions within the country to bring about policy development through providing relevant knowledge on policy formulation and analysis, governance, public sector relationship, gender and project planning, monitoring and evaluation. It also carries out curriculum development and review.
The department offers development studies courses to students in various programmers at MU aiming at supplementing the theoretical knowledge given to students. Specifically, the courses address cross-cutting and emerging issues that are necessary in developing a graduate who can analyze various development issues and challenges. The department is currently running four courses for undergraduate students. They include:
- DST 101: Introduction to International Cooperation which is a compulsory course for first year students in Business Administration and Bachelor of Accountancy and Finance degree programmes;
- DST 103: Development Studies in Education which is a compulsory course for first year students in education;
- DST 200: International Cooperation and Development, compulsory course for some second year degree programmes and
- DST 201: Introduction to the Study of International Relations, a compulsory course for second year students taking Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) degree.
The department has one post graduate programme which is Master of Arts in Development Policy and Planning (MA. DPP)